Legal counsel at the District Chamber of Legal Advisors in Warsaw. Law graduate at the Faculty of Law and Administration at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń.
A graduate of postgraduate studies in Personnel Management at the University of Social Sciences and Humanities in Warsaw (SWPS University) and MBA studies organized by GFKM in cooperation with the Erasmus University in Rotterdam and the University of Gdańsk.
He gained professional experience by working with one of the oldest Polish consulting companies and in Warsaw law firms, dealing with issues in the field of civil law, commercial law, business insurance and labor law. He has extensive experience in conducting court disputes.
Lecturer on legal aspects of employment at postgraduate studies „HR Specialist” organized by the SWPS University (Local Faculty in Sopot).
Author of the book „How to avoid discrimination in the recruitment and selection process of employees” (ODDK, 2013) and texts on labor law.